Twice 2021 :: Stage Whispers Review

Fenceline Theatre Company presents the World Premiere of Twice, a beautiful and moving new play by Jane Hille. Featuring three mature performers, this is a story of love and loss in later adulthood and looks at the struggle of early onset dementia as well the struggles of repartnering and the need for love and acceptance.

The characters form a love triangle of sorts, at the centre of which is Beth, an articulate and funny florist. Beautifully played with depth and artistry by Danielle Antaki, we sympathise as she embarks on a new relationship, as we gradually learn about the disintegration of her previous relationship and the pain it has caused.

Gino Cataldo plays Whittaker, a customer who begins a relationship with Beth. Expertly portrayed - we learn that this psychiatrist is still perplexed by the complexity of relationships and that he too has struggled with loss - especially the death of his wife Nova. A realistic portrayal of an emerging relationship - tender and complicated.

The third character in the trio is Douglas - played with great layers and thought by Dave Jones in his Australian theatrical debut. Douglas has rapid, progressive dementia which has left him unable to recognise people and wheelchair bound. A dramatic device allows Douglas to address the audience directly, from his memory and from another time - which gives us further insight into his story.'

Expert relationships and storytelling, with good writing, clever direction and strong teamwork from the performers.

Clive Smith’s set design features hanging symbols to represent the three major locales of the play, Beth’s little florist shop, a cafe and Douglas’ home - while a projected tree is ever present in the background - gradually revealed to be an important part of the plot. The show is well lit by Ryan Kok.

A pleasure to watch a strong new work that is so well presented. Well done to all involved.

Kimberley Shaw, Stage Whispers 2021

Ignite Communications WA